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Princess Astra Korraay — 01/16/2022
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Saba nodded, "This one, doesn't believe that the Professor knew it would either." She drew up her back a bit, "We didn't make the choice easy to refuse either." Saba motioned with a hand, "in our defense, all of this has been pretty scary for all of us. We don't know what we are, who we are, or how we came in to being."

She paused a moment then shook her head, "This one can see the shapes of things happening but this one can't hear them clearly enough to make anything out anymore."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/16/2022
" I'm sorry, I did not know. Your sight and hearing should come back soon I hope. If I ever get control back maybe Handyman knows a way to counter the Medication" She said. she half want to hug soba and tell here everything would be fine but she did not know.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba nodded softly, "but is this what you want." She waved her hand around, "all that you see here is a product of your mind. We don't even know if we are real or not. We don't know what we are."

She laughed in a hissing fashion once more, "Ashanti believes that we were given this gift because you failed the Force." She shook her head, "this one doesn't truly know."

She frowned once more, "this one owes you an apology for the lie. For the deception."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" no this is not what I want. I don't really know what I want. The professor belea es you are a pat of who I am fracters of my personality but even I don't know that anymore" Astra said.

" perhaps Ashanti is right.  What it it's me who has no right to exist." She said during her eyes. " why bother let g me stay if I have always been in your way." She said quietly.

" no Saba it's not your falt it's mine. I'm sorry for letting this happen to you" she said quietly.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba reached forward, "Astra, you have as much right to exist as anyone one of us." She smiled, "more in fact."

She motioned around once more, "what do you see" she asked in a low soft voice.
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
Astra looks around puzzled not really understanding what Saba was getting at. " The inside of the professor's ship?" She said clearly confused.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba let out a soft long laugh, "this is only want you desire to see. You are not on the ship, this place is in the heart of your mind!"

"This one only sees the haze caused by the medication you are taking," she said looking around.

She pointed to Astra's chest, "you control what you see here. But you must be careful here. There are dark places you might not be ready to face. Places and events in your life that were once our domain solely."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" What are you talking about how could this be my mind" she said.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba tilted her head and blinked, "tell me, how can this not be your mind. Do you think you exist outside of your body in this moment?"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" I don't know it looks like we do, and what makes you say it's my mind" she asked?
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
She smiled, "while this existence is new to us, somethings remain the same. This one can still walk your memories and experience your life as it was in days past."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" I see I think. Are all of you able to do that."  she asked.
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba shook her head, "there are those like Ashanti and this one who can. Others who have less abilities with in their scope."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
She thought for a moment" Saba if you could take over me the entire time why did you stop" She asked.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba looked down, "it wasn't right. This one didn't even know it was possible until we did it. Then the guilt was far worse." She shook her head, "this one convinced Ashanti that in doing so, was harming you. We forced the others to take your promise."

She paused for a moment then blinked, "Ashanti never promised, and this one suspects why not. She alone can force the rest of us from control. By taking the promise she couldn't regain control from one of us."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
Astra turned her head sideways " why take the promise why keep it. Why do you care if I am hurt by you taking over" She asked even more confused.

" You can't tell me there aren't things you want to do" She said.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba frowned, "this life does not belong to This One. This life if yours Astra. Something caused us to come in to being, but we do not belong here. You do," she said pointing a gentle finger at Astra.

"We all are coming to terms with this," she said softly then added, "except Ashanti."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" why would you say that. I mean yes I said that but that's because I thought you were force ghosts" She said. She still did not understand at all was Saba was getting at.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba smiled, "we always knew what we were and were learning what we could do." She frowned, "and what lines we shouldn't be crossing."
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
"And what are you" She asked?
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba shook her head, "we still don't know."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" Ok so what were you then" she asked.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba smiled, "part of you."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
astra nods understanding to a point. " who came after you?" She asked.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
She nodded, "Aodh was the next one to come.* She frowned deeply *But you might not want to go to him at all. It was something you never wanted to face before, you might not be ready for it now."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
" Can you tell me what" She asked?
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
She shook her head, "you already know."
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
She nodded. " Thank you for the worning, I need to face it at some point is there another you would sigest I speak to befor him" She asked.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Saba shook her head, "its your journey, your choices"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
Astra nodded " Thank you Saba and Thank you for your warnings, I hope the medication where's off soon, and we can talk more frequently" She said. She leaned over to try and hug Saba. " It will be ok I hope" She said before getting up.  She turned and left the room.
"Aodh? Aodh?" Astra called. Process of elimination Told her that that was nakad cleaning mans name.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
leaving the place where Saba was, Astra walked down the halls of the Professor's ship calling out for Aodh. She turned a corner and froze at what she saw.

Astra had walked back in to time and starlight in to that nightmare ship. Laying on the deck before her, was the same female cadet that had her arms ripped from their sockets

(OOC: @Princess Astra Korraay Willpower Check and then Cha Check Both DC are 15)
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/17/2022
Astra screams tears streak her her face. Every fiber of her us saying to run yet she is unable. It's as if her body refuses to follow her command. " Run, Run!" She screams in her mind. Again she is frozen in place held by and invisible force.

She needs to move do something. Anything. Her hart is racing she feels like a trapped animal. " HELP" She tries only to have her voice come out in a hushed whisper.  " Some one anyone help, I should have lesioned to Saba" she whispered looking around she remember this this was dangerous there was sumthing here that meant to hurt her.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
Aodh slipped from a nearby compartment and pulled Astra in with him, "are you crazy," he said with terror in his voice. He closed and sealed the door, "you could have alerted him to where you are."

He turned with fear in his eyes, "I think we are safe for now." He tilted his head, "why are you here? You never come here!"
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/18/2022
" Him you don't the Monster, you live here?" She whispered. Without worning she curled up against him trembling, absolute terror still held her." I- I wanted to talk to you." She finly admitted.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
He looked around carefully as if searching for any possible threats. He finally nodded, "but we must be quiet."

He motioned for her to join him at the far side of the compartment, "and yes, this is my home." He frowned deeply, "I wasn't like the others, the new world was just as terrifying as this one was. Sometimes even worse!"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/18/2022
" I don't understand why would you live this place is evil" She whispered as she followed him. She was still trembling.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
He moved closer to her and whispered, "there is no other place where I belong." His voice low, almost a whisper.
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/18/2022
" Is this why you are so afraid of evrything. Why do you belong her?" She whisper keeping an eye on the door.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
He tried to smile, though his fear still showed through. "This is where I was born," he said with great sadness. "I am bound to this place, and it is part of me."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/18/2022
" Why what happened" She asked her own voice shook.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
There was a loud crash followed by a blood curdling scream. He pulled himself in to a tight ball, "the monster happened. We should have never come aboard. Never responded to the distress call." He started to rock slowly, "we should have continued on our own way."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/18/2022
Astra nearly screamed at the sound of the crash and covered her mouth. Tears streaked her face once more. " Make it stop,"  she muttered. She looked to Aodh.

" we had to w-we" she muttered.
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
He shook his head letting out a mouse like voice, "we can't make it stop. It never stops," he said as the growling of some distant monster was heard followed by another crashing sound.

"You can't be here," Aodh said as he motioned her to the hatch, you have to flee before it finds you.

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/19/2022
" Before what finds me. Aodh im to afraid to move" She wimpered. She was once again Frozen in place. Terror taking hold of her.
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
"him," he said in barely a whisper. "Come you can't stay here," he said softly as he moved to her side, "you have to go." The terror in his voice was clear, as he helped guide her to the door.

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/19/2022
" I'll c-come back later" she muttered. Then looked at him. "Aodh why do you pull on your ear like that" she asked. She needed to know what happened.
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
Aodh looked around and pulled on his ear once more. "you don't hear it," he asked softly with a puzzled look on his face.

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/19/2022
"Hear what" She asked confused.
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
he frowned, "the whispers." he turned towards the door then motioned her towards it, "you have to go now"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/19/2022
"whispers no I don't hear it" she said finally leaving the room.
@Princess Astra Korraay
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
"Astra," Ashanti called out. The act of doing so brought Astra back to her room. Or at least the representation of her room within Astra's own mind.

"I think the Professor is dying," she said coldly. "Why would he protect Hadaza? She is worthless and undeserving." There was a great frown on her face as she spoke coldly and detached from the topic.

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" WHAT!" Astra's eyes go wide with shock. " how could." She shook her head. " Ashanti can't you see Hadaza has a great deal of potential. That's besides the point we can talk about it later. Right now we need to take care of the professor. Can you heal other people with the force?" She asked.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Anger flashed in Ashanti's eyes, "no!" Her voice cutting as sharp as her knife had. She drew in a long slow breath. "Tell me why he would do such a thing," there was a clear effort of her trying to calm her voice. "I want to know why, he did that."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
Astra takes a deep breath. " Because he care about her Ashinti. He cares about all of us wether he shows it or not. Because that's what people do and while it may not look it Hadaza has a lot of potential im sure the professor sees that" she said.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Answering Astra's calm voice Ashanti continues to calm down herself. "He wanted to murder us," she said in a confused voice. "He tricked you in to taking poison that hurt us." She tilted her head to the side, "I don't understand?"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" no he did not know, it would hurt us. I didn't know any better either. I'm sorry I never know you all were not just personalitys. Had I known and lissiond from the start I could have explained it better and maybe he could have helped us find a better solution or at least equal ground. I was tired of fighting and struggling to think, I just wanted some quiet im sorry. I'm sorry the poison was falt, not his" She said
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti blinked as she tried to understand what was being told to her. "And this Has Been, what makes her so special. Her prime is behind her. The Professor has so much to offer. She has nothing of note to offer unless he is considering prostitution."

Ashanti moved over towards the bed and leaned on the wall near it, "what makes her so special?"

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" No she is not past her prime have you seen her she is a good deal larger and stronger than us," Astra said shaking her head. " It's not her falt she can't remember anything and has to start over. You and I had to start somewhere dissent we. Not to mention her connection to the swarm, you know the big bug things that want to eat us the one you squished on the ship. She has some kind of crazy connection to them" she said.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti nodded slowly, "I do sense her connection to them. More than that, I can sense the evil that once resided within her."

Ashanti smiled softly, "the man that attacked her, well meant to. The images in his mind only confirmed what I had suspected. She was a predator on the level of the Sith of old."

She tilted her head once more, "she lost her memories," she said softly. When I take over, your nature, your light still shines through me." There was a hint of disgust and discomfort in her words. "I don't sense the same from her. I suspect it is more than that, but I can't be sure."

She frowned, "still, it matters not what she was, or what she might be. Do you think the Professor sees something more to her. Something worthy of saving her life?"

Ashanti moved off the wall and walked across the room, as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I need to know if we, I mean if I am to save him. I have to know why he did this. Could he have just lost his mind?"
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" yes I do think he sees a greater potential in her. He will never get the answers he is after if she dies. He likes to watch what happens. He enjoys seeing things play out he likes information.  " she said.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti turned back to Astra with tears of pain in her eyes, "and she sees nothing in us." She desperately tried to hang on to her anger and failed at it. "I mean, hate me, I am used it. But Saba, she is so selfless." Ashanti turned away from Astra, "that stupid girl wanted us to just go in to the darkness after you decided to poison."

She pulled her arms around herself more tightly, "I just assumed that he just didn't care about anyone. Well that was until he did this."

@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
Astra stepped closer and pulled Ashinti into a hug" I know I spoke to Saba. I'm sorry we never meant to try and kill you. Had I known you were alive and what would happen I would not have taken the medication. He didn't know either he was trying to help. I don't hate you I never did your just so frustrating." she said.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti shuttered slightly and moved from Astra's hug, "the Has Been is angry because she doesn't see." Her voice dismissive and dripping with a condescending tone.

Taking a moment to clear her thoughts once more she turned back to Astra, "I can't save him," she spoke calmly and plainly. "But you can," she said softly.
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" I don't even know that I can, but if I were there I would definitely try" she said. Letting go of Ashanti and stepping back.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti frowned, "I need you to keep your promise. Protect and respect that which is mine." There was more of questioning tone in her voice than commanding.
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" of course, you will need a weapon if your going to save my butt next time I do sumthing stupid" she said.
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
Ashanti frowns at the slight attempt at humor, "tell them that the friends of the attacker was just as surprised by his actions as we were. Their confusion and surprised was clear. What ever the attacker wanted with the Has Been, it was personal in nature."

Ashanti walked up to Astra, "I hope I don't live to regret this, but go save him." She smiled only slightly, "I know you can."

Clearing the path for Astra, in that moment Astra was back in control of her body.
@Princess Astra Korraay
Princess Astra Korraay — 01/20/2022
" I'll let them know and thank you," she said. Before returning to control. Her first thoughts being to asses the situation. See how badly hurt the professor was and if there was any other threat.