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"Well, that was fun" Kaleb said as he looped fastened his belt in the aftermath of the fight. Three hobgoblins lay in crimson snow, a fourth being spared. Guards to the temple the party finds themselves in front of. This could become troublesome. The party were in this cold, mountainous region to partake in a trial of combat in order to gain entry to speak with the hobgoblin rulers. Back home, their actions would have landed them in prison. According to the stories Kaleb has heard about about hobgoblins, the ruler might have the surviving guard executed for depending on a strength potion at the beginning of the fight instead of giving his all before having to rely on cheap tricks. "I'll worry about the diplomacy later" Kaleb thought to himself as he looked around. Seeing Elironda, Arwen, and Dimple advancing to the surviving guard, he called out "We might need that one, guys." Noticing some minor looking wounds on Gar, Kaleb pulled out his wand of minor cure wounds and and pointed it at her. She wouldn't ask for the healing, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. "Anyone else hurt?"

Hey everyone, feel free to continue this in-between but only between player characters. If you want to interview the hobgoblin or go inside, I'd ask to wait until next session as not everyone checks these forums.
Eli slowly rose up from where she was sitting and motioned Arwen to follow. She calmly walked over to where Kaleb was standing along side Gar. Drawing in a deep breath, she laid hands on Gar and a small number of her wounds (5 points) closed up. "I am not a professional healer, but that should get you a bit further," Eli said softly.

"All I can say, is I am thankful that you all held off from setting everything on fire," she said as she glanced over at Kaleb and his eyes. She gazed a bit longer than she should have in to those prefect eyes. She let out a long breath as she reclaimed control over her own eyes, "you look a bit red there" she said to Kaleb. "I would suggest warming up before the ice claims your flesh."
As Kaleb met Elironda's gaze, he playfully raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps that's something we can help each other with later" he replied slyly, a hint of a grin forming on his lips. "Right now, though, we have some work to do. " Turning to  the hobgoblin guard, he pulled his length of rope  from his pack and proceeded to tie their new charge.  " I'm probably going to regret this" he said to the captive hobgoblin "but we have plans for you". With this, Kaleb spent another two charges of the wand to heal the hobgoblin.
'Dont gaze in to those eyes, again,' she thought to herself as a warning. She knew the trouble that they would bring. The bodies that would be left in a wake of her jealousy. Her hand coiled around her dagger, where the blade meets the hilt. The pain was enough to break the spell bus eyes cast. She would not be effected by his eyes, or at least she wouldn't show it. (Bluff Check: 21)

She moved up closer to him slowly drawing her dagger. Her own blood dripped down the blade as she moved it playfully yet with purpose to the side of his face. "Oh I agree," she said softly with an emotionaless voice (see bluff above). "First we'll drain the blood from you. Slowly replacing it with some of my own. Your inferior blood is weak against the cold and ice. Where mine is immune to it."

She fell silent as she traced the side of his face with the bloody tip of her dagger.
Elironda typically reminds Kaleb of a bird in flight. As she stalked towards him, a different animal came to mind. Something graceful. Predatory. "Funny how much women have in common with tigers," Kaleb thought to himself as he felt the knife idly trace along his cheek. Everyone knows that its best to stand your ground when faced with something or someone dangerous. Kaleb knew that better than most. "A shame that is" he said while leaning in close. "I had something different in mind".
She smiled as she slowly withdrew the blade from his face, "I am sure you did." She then motioned to Ashla, "I am not like other girls. I am very possessive and I have been known to take jealously to all new extremes." The emotion in her voice was as fake as always, as she tried to conceal her true emotions. (Bluff Check: 9 That's what I get for using the online dice roller lol) While on the surface she was trying to conceal her emotions. That damn smile caught her attention and that was it. She narrowed her eyes as the tip of her blade found the side of her leg. "You're cute, for a half-breed...."
"Best of both worlds, my mother used to say" replied Kaleb. He noticed the flicker of emotion crossing Elironda's delicate features. Deciding it was better to not press the issue at the moment, Kaleb asked "You going to be alright in there? I know you're not comfortable indoors, but we're going to need all hands on deck."
Eli smiled as she started to put her dagger away, "If it is all hands on Deck, then I will refrain from removing them at your elbows."

She turned to see what everyone else was doing. "Tell me Kebab, do you think our course of action is a wise one?"
Kaleb paused a moment to order his thoughts. "I think wisdom comes with hind sight. Right now, we find ourselves in a frozen wasteland, preparing to take on deadly trials all in the hopes of finding information about an artifact that might not exist. Wisdom would be sitting by the hearth of a tavern. I don't think we are here because its the wise course of action. We are here because we want to do the right thing."
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