
Full Version: Chapter Three (A): Adrian & Suki
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An incendiary device on our ship?

Adrian didn't know what to make of what he was hearing.
He had no clue about what she was talking about and he didn't like that feeling.

First news but I am sorry for you as this wasn't really our ship so you are asking the wrong guy.
She nodded, "yes, once the recovery was over the crew of this ship sent a team over but they didn't get very far till the device caused the ship to go up in flames. The Sho Sho ordered the craft ejected from the ship before any damage to our ship could be done."
Suki set there alone on the bench wondering what was going on around her. She suddenly felt really alone even though she heard voices nearby. She wanted to get up and do something but she couldn't. She didn't want to mess up what Adrian was working on. She heard his voice in the distance, but couldn't make out what they were saying because of the echoes and other sounds.

Suddenly Suki's head shot up, "Why did the engines speed up? Are we decelerating?"
Turning to Suki to see if everything was allright and then to Alima

Are we arriving? Or is something going on?
Alima turned to the window, "no we are not arriving. Its too soon. We don't start breaking till later tonight." she turned to the other two men. To Adrian's surprise, the pulsing light seemed to change. There was a much higher degree of light changes from under her glasses. They weren't talking, could they be communicating through those computers on their arm?

What ever it was, it caused the three bodyguards to move to a heighten sense of alert as Alima nodded and walked over to where their weapons and clothes were. The other two started to do the same. "Your other option is closer to the truth, something is going on." she said over her shoulder as she started to put her shirt on.
Although he was eager to gather more information on these glasses/computers, Adrian knew that with his legs he couldn't do much if they scrambled and he had to take care of Suki. Even if he was still unsure about her, she had done her part le the job.

If you are going to be moving , maybe we should move away.

Turning to Suki and walking to her

Are you alright Suki? Do you need any help?
Alima glanced at Adrian as he spoke but she said nothing in response. She turned her attention back to getting her gear on. The three bodyguards were no longer keeping an eye on Adrian and Suki while they picked up their things. Adrian walked across the large room back to where Suki was calmly sitting. However, it was clear that she had become slightly nervous over being left alone. Clearly Suki hadn’t fully dealt with being blind yet.

Right as Adrian reached where Suki was sitting, the three bodyguards turned to Adrian and Suki in one fluid motion. The clicking of weapons from safe to fire told everyone in the room it just got serious. Alima spoke, “Kimiko’s gone! Do you know anything about this?” The three guards remained silent and waited for Adrian to answer.
Looking all around and feeling sorry for Suki who probably had no clue about what was going on, Adrian displayed his hands so that everybody could see them.

Relax everybody. We have no clue what you are talking about.
We came here to see a little more about the ship and see if we could find anything for Suki to do.


Isn't it right Suki?
Suki blinded and even shuttered at the sounds around her. She didn't know what was going on and the fear on her face told the story.

"um, Adrian, um....are there guns pointed at us?" it was all she could think of to say.
Wondering when had everything gone wrong and what he could do to get everyone including himself out of this mess, Adrian took a good deep breath before answering to Suki.

Don't worry Suki. Stay calm.
And no, these guns are not pointed at us. Don't worry.
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