
Full Version: Chapter Three (A): Adrian & Suki
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A grin crossed suki’s face as she looked at the direction of the voice. She held the ‘knife’ that she had found in the medical bay in her hand ready for combat. “I like to say that I am quite a great blind fighter,” the teen said with pride. After all, she figured that her other senses would step up and fill the gap created by her blindness. “Just point the direction and we can take them.”

(Occ: reminder her knife is nothing more than a metal tongue depressor)
With a really low voice

I said hold on Tiger. We are not going to take them down
But I was wondering if you could fight against one of them in a blind fencing contest with training sticks. This way you could train and distract them, learn some more about them and allow me to take a look at the stars.
However, these guys are trained and I don't want you to take a punishment, so we do that only if you can do that.
Suki listened and looked up to adrian. " so you want me to walk up to one of them and challage him or her to a blind fencing contest only using trainning sticks? " looking abit disappointed but put away the 'knife'. As she made sure she understood correctly what the other wanted her to do. Knowing she might be able to atleast give him the distraction he needed. Believing she could actually do this.
As Adrian and Suki were talking the woman stopped working out with the bag and nodded as if someone said something to her. She turned towards the door and walked towards Adrian and Suki.

"How are you getting around?" She asked in a friendly manner. "I hope you are not taking more falls" she added with a smile.
Replying to Suki

That's it and I am sure you can do it. You are going to beat them.

Turning to the bodyguard

I am doing better now thank you and I hope my legs decide to stay with me this time.

Looking all around while getting in with Suki.

Do you train often?
She laughed, "when time permits" she walked up and offered her hand to Adrian to shake. "I am Alima Sallah" she said with pride.

With her arm reached out and in this close proximity, Adrian could see that her red tented glasses had a small mount on either side of the support. These little mounts appear to be connected to either side of her head. The discoloration up her left arm was the final clue.

The system on her arm and the glasses were all part of a Direct Neural Implant system. Being a bit of a tech nut, Adrian knew about the system which was tested by the NAIS during the mid 3050's. However it wouldn't come in to wide scale use till much later. This system however was linked in to a computer instead of a mech. The discovery was clearly fascinating to him.
Suki stepped in front of Adrian cutting off the hand shake without even knowing it. She poked her hand in to empty air as she spoke definitely, "I don't think you are all that tough. What to put your money where your mouth is?" Suki paused to wait for a reply. Not feeling anything at the end of her hand, Suki turned towards Adrian, "did she leave?" Suki was just facing slightly the wrong direction.
Being totally lost between Alima Sallah, the system he had seen on her in which something was definitely wrong but right know he couldn't find out what and Suki moving too quickly before he could speak, Adrian heard Suki speaking before he could say anything and thought that even him wouldn't have gone that far and that quickly.

Looking at Suki, he answered to her

Not yet. Don't worry.

Turning to Alima Sallah, he spoke to her and the other bodyguards

What my friend here wanted to ask is to whether or not one of you would accept a training fight with training weapons against her.

After this incident, she wants to check her skills

Waiting a little.

Did I mention it would be a blind fight?
Alima smiled at Suki's actions as she backed up a bit to give Suki room. "um, I don't think so" she said side stepping the young teenager. "The doctor made each of your medical situations clear to us. I don't think my partners and I would like to beat up on a blind teenage girl." There was no hint of annoyance in her voice and the smile on her face dismissed any suggestion that Suki was taken seriously.

Alima looked to Adrian, "so you are Lyran? Mind if I ask, are you a member of the military" she asked motioning towards his somewhat military style clothing.
Suki turned as she attempted to find the woman she meant to speak with. She let out cry and stumbled forward in to Alima’s arms.

“Ow my ankle” she said stumbling. “I think I hurt it”

(ooc: Akira said I can post this in my post. I had to roll a social check to fool them. I made it! Smile )

The guy holing the punching bag ran over and with Alima’s help took her to a nearby bench.

"Thank you, thank you, it hurts so much" she sounded pitiful and helpless as she sobbed while being helped. With everyone’s attention on Suki, she motioned for Adrian to look out the windows.
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