
Full Version: Event Coming
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Okay guys, I have a major event coming for Tuesday. This event will utilize the online Dice Roller, though usage will be optional. Also I will be allowing players to engage with NPC's in one on one conversations. This will allow for more information discovery. During the event players will be rewarded for posting what they learn about the NPC's within the group discussion thread.

Ahead of this event, I am going to award Eric and Jake Adventure Points for Thier involvement in the First Chapter of the game.

Both Jake and Eric will be awarded Three (3) Adventure Points plus your Learn Score equal in Skill Points.

You can use these pints to buy new skill, improve existing skill, improving attributes or you can bank them.

I will be posting up the rules governing how to spend these points today. Feel free to contact me via text or kik if you have questions.

An event? oh what could that be?

Hey, will I be getting any adventure points?
Prob's not Suki, since you weren't in Chapter 1 sorry. Just guessing.

What time exactly will this event be?
Suki, Kango is right. You were not part of Chapter One so you will not be getting any awards for Chapter One.

Kango, I am working on the event now. My target is going to be 9 PM (EST) Tuesday Night. However I am suffering from a head cold so I may have to push this back. I am hoping I will be able to get the event out at the targeted time.
Hmm...9 PM EST is kinda late for me Sad

It's a school night and stuff, etc.
Kango, don't worry about it being late. You can always check out the post during the day. This will not be the kind of thing that you have to be there at the moment it goes up.

But I will do my best to get the first post up before 9:00PM EST
Thanks boss!
I am working on the upcoming closure. This is pretty involved. I am hoping to have it up tonight or tomorrow.

Please feel free to free post.

The current situation is that two main groups of party members are being escorted to the medical bay.

You may consider any conversations held during this time to be secure. This will allow everyone who wants to, to post freely. If not please enjoy the short break.

But don't wonder away too far. This closure will be a firecracker